EWTN News In Depth
Sister Bethany Davis of the Daughters of St. Paul talks with Montse Alvarado on ‘EWTN News In Depth’ on Feb. 7, 2025.
Who will be huddling...
Daniel Ibanez/CNA
An image of the Sacred Heart in the Church of the Jesu, in Rome
When I struggled to forgive, God whispered one word into my heart. It was the...
Claude Rains and Jimmy Stewart star, with Stewart as Jefferson Smith holding letters and telegrams on the floor of the Senate, in the final scene of ‘Mr. Smith Goes...
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops headquarters in Washington, D.C.
A large portion of funding comes from grants through the federal U.S. Refugee...
EWTN News In Depth
Kansas City Bishop James Johnston and Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Pérez join Montse Alvarado on EWTN News In Depth for an important announcement...
A medida que iba creciendo, llegué a entender lo que significaba decir: “Mis padres nacieron en Irlanda”. Ser criado por padres inmigrantes no pareció tener mucho impacto en mí, mi hermana o mi hermano, ya que crecimos en un “vecindario irlandés-italiano” en Queens en las décadas de 1970 y 1980.
As I was growing up, I eventually came to understand what it meant to say, “My parents were born in Ireland.” Being raised by immigrant parents did not seem to have much of an impact on me, my sister, or my brother as we grew up in an “Irish-Italian neighborhood” in Queens in the 1970s and ’80s.
From Sunday, Jan. 26 (the Sunday of the Word of God) through Saturday, Feb. 1, in this Jubilee Year of 2025, we will celebrate “National Catholic Schools Week,” the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. You can learn more about Catholic Schools Week at the “NCEA” (National Catholic Educational Association) website.
After a coronation ceremony two years ago hailed as an interreligious novelty and progressively open-minded, King Charles III and Queen Camilla of England will make their first official visit to the...
Due to a fresh bout of bronchitis, something he has experienced with increasing regularity, Pope Francis has decided to move his official meetings to his residence, rather than the more formal...
Pope Francis Monday hosted an international summit on the rights of the child, lamenting the millions who daily endure war, poverty, abuse, exploitation, depression and a lack of hope for the future.
On Sunday the Vatican official tasked with suppressing a Peru-based lay group plagued by scandal announced that not just one, but all four entities belonging to the so-called “spiritual family” have...
During the first hearing in a civil trial over the firing of a couple from their jobs at the Vatican Bank over a non-fraternization policy applied retroactively, they are asking to be reinstated and...